Usage review


Cat chin? ! I experienced the first experience ...


Masayo Okawayama (Ookawa -san) with a married woman and child VExperience and review TARISS'S Neko -chan anal plug!

Cat chin? ! I experienced the first experience ...


Masayo Okawayama (Ookawa -san) with a married woman and child VExperience and review TARISS'S Neko -chan anal plug!

初心者にもおすすめ!TaRiss’s 5連結アナルビーズ(Mサイズ) の利用レビュー

Recommended for beginners! TaRiss's 5 connected...


I used the 5 consolidated anal beads of the adult goods brand "TARISS'S"! In the eyes of anal goods beginner・ Can you recommend it to beginners?・ How to use?・ Can...

Recommended for beginners! TaRiss's 5 connected...


I used the 5 consolidated anal beads of the adult goods brand "TARISS'S"! In the eyes of anal goods beginner・ Can you recommend it to beginners?・ How to use?・ Can...


[Short story for adults] Because I received a p...


This is a SS for adults that assumes play with the anal plug you received (it's short).

[Short story for adults] Because I received a p...


This is a SS for adults that assumes play with the anal plug you received (it's short).

【レビュー】TaRiss's 悪魔の卵一代目 アナルプラグ

[Review] TaRiss's Devil's Egg First Generation ...


I had a certain idea in mind and bought a new anal plug.

[Review] TaRiss's Devil's Egg First Generation ...


I had a certain idea in mind and bought a new anal plug.

【提供レビュー】TaRiss's うま3代目 ディルド

[Provided Review] TaRiss's Uma 3rd Generation D...


Following Mochi and Elephant's Trunk , I would like to finally introduce a dildo called Uma 3rd Generation (^_-)-☆

[Provided Review] TaRiss's Uma 3rd Generation D...


Following Mochi and Elephant's Trunk , I would like to finally introduce a dildo called Uma 3rd Generation (^_-)-☆


TaRiss's×Sukebei Suido collaboration! Anal bead...


This time I reviewed anal beads for the first time💖

TaRiss's×Sukebei Suido collaboration! Anal bead...


This time I reviewed anal beads for the first time💖